Diagnostic Cerebral Angiography

Diagnostic Cerebral Angiography at Cordis Cathlab

Cerebral angiography is an X-ray imaging that gives doctors a look inside the blood vessels of your brain. The procedure is performed to detect narrowed, blocked, and damaged blood vessels. If required, the doctor may treat the blockages during the diagnosis itself. Cerebral angiography can detect brain tumors, clots, arteriosclerosis, aneurysm, and inflamed blood vessels. Narrowed and blocked blood vessels in your brain can increase the risk of a stroke and other brain ailments. The doctor inserts a catheter that leads up to the blood vessels in your brain through the arms or legs. Through this catheter, they inject a dye that gives a detailed and accurate picture of the inside of the blood vessels. Cerebral angiography gives an accurate picture of your brain, showing any abnormalities that can lead to complications or death. It is mostly used when another brain imaging test has detected some abnormality in the functioning of your brain. The test shows the exact location of the damage and the extent of damage to the blood vessels.

Experienced Cardiologist

Performed by Dr. Abhijit Aklujkar a senior internevtionbal cardiologist in Mumbai

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How is it Performed?

Adults are given local anesthesia. So, you will be awake throughout the operation but won’t feel anything. The doctor will sterile the incision site to prevent infection and make an incision near your groin or the arms. They will position a long thin tube (catheter) into the artery that leads to the blood vessels inside your neck or brain.

The doctor then injects the dye contrast through the catheter into your brain to produce pictures of the blood vessels. You feel unusual warmth as the dye travels through the arteries to your brain. X-ray is used for getting pictures of the target area. The procedure might take anywhere between 2 and 5 hours, depending on whether the doctor performs a diagnostic or treatment too. Once they have diagnosed the problem, the doctor closes the incision and places the dressing. They apply pressure manually on the incision site to prevent bleeding. This may take up to 10 minutes.

You are asked to lie flat on the table for several hours, especially when the dye contrast is injected into the arteries. You shouldn’t feel any pain during the procedure after sedation. After dressing, you are sent to the general ward for recovery. You are kept under observation for a few hours before getting discharged. Depending on the complexity of your disease or how you respond to cerebral angiography, you may have to stay overnight in the hospital.

When to Call the Doctor?

Your doctor gives you instructions for a quick recovery. Avoid strenuous exercises or heavy lifting for at least a week after the procedure. Call your doctor immediately if you notice these signs:

  • Dizziness
  • Vision problems
  • Chest pain
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Swelling and inflammation at the incision site
  • Swollen leg or foot

You should report pain and other unusual symptoms to your doctor immediately.

How Does it Benefit the Patient?

Cerebral angiography is an invasive medical procedure used to accurately diagnose the problem in the blood vessels in your brain. The patient doesn’t have to go through brain surgery for diagnosis. In fact, the treatment of blocked or narrowed arteries is possible during the diagnosis, as it involves a catheter.

Cerebral angiography is safer than traditional surgery, where a large incision is made on your skull to get a clear picture of the blood vessels inside your brain. Cerebral angiography delivers the same result without causing any damage to your brain. Moreover, this imaging procedure can detect nearly any brain disease.

Are there any Risks?

There is a risk of allergic reaction to the catheter, dye, and other components used during X-ray imaging. Exposure to radiation also presents a risk of cancer, although very rare. The catheter can cause internal bleeding by puncturing your arteries. But that’s another rare occurrence. Make sure you work with a certified and professional doctor for cerebral angiography. They will tell you the benefits, risks, how to prepare for the treatment, etc.

Ask your doctor about how soon you can begin your routine activities. Normally, it takes a couple of days to recover fully, but if the doctor unblocked the arteries or performed surgery during angiography, the recovery might take a few weeks. You must avoid transparent liquids and food before the procedure. Also, don’t take any blood-thinning medication before the surgery.

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Request an appointment with us to know more about angiography procedure and if you do require an angioplasty